Sh, Earl, Jesuit


Oxquarry Books


Acknowledgments Introduction








Bibliography  Index 


  John Klause  


The page numbers relate to the original edition. The pagination of the original is as follows:

Introduction     15 - 36
Ch1. Connections   37 - 74
Ch2. Lucrece                     75 - 108
Ch3. Ephesus, Rome, and London 109 - 144
Ch4. Hamlet 145 - 200
Ch5. All's Well that Ends Well 201 - 225
Ch6. Measure for Measure 226 -255
Conclusion 256 - 259
260-2 Intro   262-274 Ch1 274-280 Ch2 281-286 Ch3
286 -298 Ch4 298-302 Ch5 302-310 Ch6 310 Conclusion
To find an index reference, first identify which chapter the page number indicates. Click on the link above to the designated chapter, and then use CtrlF to find the search term you are looking for.

Since the original placed all the notes at the end of the book, whereas this online version has them at the end of each chapter, if the index reference is to a note, e.g 262n1 under Akrigg below, you will need to use the links in the NOTES entry above to take you to the relevant Chapter notes. Thus for 272n50 under Akrigg below, Click on the Ch1 link above. However there is some overlap, as for example on p.262, which has some notes both for the Intro and Ch1. A low note number in this case would refer to Ch.1, a high number to the Intro. Thus 262n4 would refer to Ch1, whereas 262n21 would refer to the Intro. 

Aeneid, The, 114
Akrigg, G. P. V., 88-89, 201-2, 262n1, 262n4, 265n8, 270n33, 272n50, 272nn54-56, 274n1, 277n18, 277nn22-25, 277n27, 278-79nn31-33, 279n35, 282n25, 288n16, 288n21, 298n117, 298nn119-20, 300n7-11, 304n8, 310n64
Alexander the Great, 21, 180-81
Alfield, Thomas, 271n45
anachronisms, 75, 102, 112, 133, 135, 191, 284n55      
Andrews, Michael Cameron, 297n104
Anne of Denmark. See Anne, Queen Consort of England
Anne, Queen Consort of England, 228, 274n72
Anstruther, Godfrey, 274n70, 296n91
Apollonius of Tyre. See Gower, John: Confessio Amantis
Apuleius: The Golden Ass, 69, 274n66
Aquinas, Thomas
Arden, Edward, 36, 263-64n6
Arden, John, 263n6
Arden, Mary, 41, 257, 263-64n6
Arden, Robert, 263n6, 265n16
Arden, Simon, 263n6
Arden, Thomas, 263-64n6, 265n16
Arden, Walter, 263-64n6
Arden family, 263-64n6, 298n111
Aristotle, 266n26, 277n23
ars moriendi (the art of dying), 232
Arundel, Anne Dacres, countess of, 41
Arundel, Philip Howard, first earl of, 37, 43, 155, 158
Arundel, Thomas, Lord. See Wardour, Thomas Arundel, first baron of
Asquith, Clare, 260n5, 290n41
Aubrey, John, 111
Augustine, Aurelius, St.: 94, 103, 168, 245; The City of God, 279n47, 280n66
Azor, Juan, S. J., 245

Babington, Anthony, 105, 193
Babington Plot, 105, 164, 192-93, 290n47
Bacon, Sir Francis, 41
Bainton, Roland H., 295n83
Balaam’s Ass, 90
Bald, R. C., 285n73, 286n73
Baldwin, T. W., 109-12, 114-16, 118, 120, 281nn4-11, 281nn13-14, 282n20, 284n55
Banester, Edward of Iddsworth, 39, 265n9
Banester, Mary (née Southwell), 39, 265n9
Barton, Anne, 284n54, 302n26
Bate, Jonathan, 135, 272n57, 284-85n55, 285nn63-64, 285n66, 286n67, 286n71
Battenhouse, Roy, 287n13, 297n105
Bawcutt, N. W., 310n61
Bearman, Robert, 261n8, 265n11
Beauregard, David N., 260n5, 305n15
Belknap, Alice, 132
Belknap, Sir Robert, 39-41
Bell, Thomas, 92
Belleforest, François de, 294n75
Belsey, Catherine, 287n4
Belson, Austen, 277n26
Bendlosse (Benlowes), Andrew, 277n26
Bennett, Josephine Waters, 304n3
Bentley, Eric, 124, 283nn41-42, 221-22-23
Berkeley, Thomas, 271n47
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 104
Berry, Ralph, 284n55
Bestrafte Brudermord, Der (Fratricide Punished), 185, 192, 297n97
Bevington, David, 288n19
Gen., p. 124; Exod. 32:35, p. 297n102; Num. 4:28, p. 137, 12, p. 137; Deut. 32:2, p. 262n19; 32:35, p. 188; Josh. 5:13-14, 154; Judg. 6-7, p. 282n30; 1 Sam. 15, p. 297n102, 21:12-13, p. 294n75, 24:3-8, p. 173, 26:7-11, p. 173; 2 Sam. 2:14-17, p. 179, 11:11, p. 218; 2 Kings 5, p. 278n31; 2 Chron. 33:12-13, p. 172; Esther, pp. 30-31; Job, p. 199, 41:18, p. 70, p.298n115; Ps. 8, p. 289n35, Pss. 262n21; Prov. 5:4, p. 171;  Isa. 1:11 (Vulgate), p. 295n89, 1:18, p. 173, p. 293n73, 30:15, p. 184, 49:26-27, p. 142; Lam., p. 194, 3:27-28, p. 71; Ezek. 33:25-26, p. 142; Dan., p. 217, 4:28-30, p. 218; Tob., p 289n38; Wisd. Of Sol. 5:12, p. 301n17; Ecclus. 22:13, p. 156, 38:17, p. 156; Prayer of Manasseh, 172; Matt. 2:16-18, p. 130, Matt. 2:19-23, p. 295n89, 5:28-29, p. 220, 7:1-2, p. 305n12, 7:3, p. 288n22, 7:5, p. 241, 7:13-14, p. 218, 10:29, p. 158, pp. 182-83, p. 195, 11:29-30, p. 104, 16:18, p. 92, 16:19, p. 130, 17:2, p. 63, 17:16-21, p. 117, 19:21, p. 72; Mark 4:24, p. 305n12; Luke 6:36-38, p. 237, p. 305n12, 6:42, p. 241, p. 288n22, 9:39-43, p. 117, 14:26, p. 93, 16:19-31, p. 29; John 8:7, p. 241, 18:17, p. 92; Acts, p. 119, 126, 7:55-60, p. 133, 19:1, 10, 16, 24-30, p. 113, 19:13, pp. 113, 116-17; 27, pp. 114, 118, 28:5, p. 68; Rom. 12:19, p. 188, 14:8-9, p. 170; 1 Cor. 2:9, p. 67; 1 Cor. 3:16, 6:19, p. 78; 2 Cor. 11:14, p. 165, 12:1-4, p. 67; Gal. 1:8, p. 195; Eph. 2, p. 128, 4, p. 128, 4:22, p. 113, 5:16, p. 162, 5:22-23, 31, p. 113, 6:5-9, p. 113-14, p. 126, 6:12, p. 218, 6:13-16, p. 113, 6:20, p. 114; 1 John 4:1, p. 165
biographical speculation, 15-17, 256-57, 259
Birje-Patil, J., 309n53
Blackmore, S. A., 287n10
Blount, Sir Christopher, 196-97
Boccaccio, Giovanni: The Decameron, 203, 205, 222, 300n7
Bolton, J. S. G., 284n55
Borromeo, Carlo, Cardinal: Testament of the Soul, 39-41, 257. See also Shakespeare, John
Bossy, John, 282n16
Boswell, James, 290n39
Bothwell, James Hepburn, earl of, 193
Bouchard, Gary, 266n22
Bowden, Henry Sebastian, 260n5, 305n11
Bradbrook, Muriel, 300n13
Bradley, A. C., 286-87n4
Bradshaw, Graham, 237-38, 308nn28-30, 308n33
Bridgman, Peter, 265n11
Brinton, Selwyn, 293n70
Broke, Ralph, 264n6
Brooke, Arthur, Romeus and Juliet, 22, 74
Brooks, Harold F., 261n13, 261n15, 271n47, 271n49, 274n67
Brown, John Russell, 262n19
Brown, Nancy Pollard, 38, 43, 261n18, 266n22, 266n29, 286n80, 294n78, 296n91, 310n2
Brown, Raymond E., S. S., 293n71
Browne, Anthony, 74
Browne, Anthony. See Montagu, Anthony Browne, first viscount
Browne, Anthony. See Montagu, Anthony Maria Browne, second viscount
Browne, Sir Anthony, 52
Brownlow, F. W., 261nn11-12, 262nn24-25, 265n15, 266n29, 275n7, 275nn9-12, 282nn18-19, 282n23, 282n25, 286n79
Budd, F. E., 27, 261n17
Bullough, Geoffrey, 273n60, 274n66, 274n68, 274n74, 277n16, 279n52, 281n7, 282n27, 283n36, 286nn69-70, 293n67, 294n75
Burghley, William Cecil, first baron, 39, 45, 53-54, 56-57, 89, 159, 162, 211, 270n34, 270n37, 270n40, 277n23
Bye Plot, 228

Caesar, Julius, 149, 155, 181, 184, 287n10
Cairncross, Edward, 261n16
Calderwood, James, 308n35
Calvin, John, 98
Camden, William, 163, 264n6, 290n46
Campion, Edmund, S. J., 19, 37, 39, 41, 111-12, 118, 271n45, 274n69
Caraman, Philip, S. J., 283n37, 286n77, 295n85, 304n5
Carey, Elizabeth, 271n47
Carey, Henry. See Hundson, Henry Carey, first Lord
Carrell (Caryll), Sir John, 277n26
Cartwright, Thomas, 308n34
Castile, Constable of. See Frias, Juan Fernández de Velasco, duke of
casuistry, 54, 92, 98-99, 106, 115, 180, 219-20, 225, 244-50, 258-59, 308-9nn36-41
Catesby, Robert, 264n6
Catesby family, 298n111                                                        
Catholicism: allegiance to, 39, 53-54, 89, 131; doctrine and practice of, 59-60, 72-73, 75, 112, 254, 297n100; and dissimulation, 18, 89,115, 187, 294n75; and doubt, 18, 92, 188, 192, 194; heroic, 54, 60, 71, 104, 106, 108, 110, 230, 236 (see also martyrdom); at Inns of Court, 118; of the “Mother Church,” 55, 122, 130, 178, 228; not monolithic, 18;
Catholics: their crises of conscience, 92, 98-100, 141, 191-92, 199; penal laws against, 89, 91, 111, 114, 118, 121-22, 132, 228, 230, 254-55, 283n34, 305n11
Cecil, Anne, 162
Cecil, Robert. See Salisbury, Robert Cecil, first earl of
Cecil, William. See Burghley, William Cecil, first baron.
Cecil family, 41
Chadwyck-Healey: “Literature Online,” 262n221, 292n60
Challoner, Richard, 270n31, 282n25
Chamberlain, John: Letters, 278n32
Chambers, E. K., 56, 263-64n6, 271n47, 272n58
Chaplin, Charlie, 124
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 176, 178, 294n81
Charlesworth, J. H., 293n71
Chaucer, Geoffrey: 103; The Monk’s Tale, 28, The Knight’s Tale, 69
Chettle, Henry, 272n58
Chrysostom, John, St., 270n31
church papists, 72, 115, 278n31, 279n43, 280n57, 281n16. See also dissimulation
Clancy, Thomas H., S. J., 277n20                                             
Clapham, John: Narcissus, 53
Clement VIII, Pope, 228
Cobham, Henry Brooke, eighth baron of, 197
Cohn, Albert, 297nn97-98
Coke, Edward, 89, 254
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 237
Colthorpe, Marion, 271n48, 272n51
Constantine, Emperor of Rome, 137
conformity, religious, 54
convergence of evidence, 22, 26
Copley, Anthony: 90; A Fig for Fortune, 193
Copley, Bridget, 41, 90
Copley, Margaret, 39
Copley, William, 89
Cornwallis, Alice, 262n4
Cornwallis, Thomas, 262n4
Cottam, John, 17, 35, 39
Cottam, Thomas, S. J., 18
Cotton family, 41
Cotton, George, 90, 282n25
Cotton, John, 41, 90, 282n25
Counter-Reformation, 18, 72, 96, 102, 106, 259
Cox, John D., 298n111
Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 273n58
Crashaw, William, 278n32
Crehan, J., 273n59
Cross, F. L., 286n76
Cuddy, Neil, 304n8
Cuffe, Henry, 277n23
Cyprian, St., 270n31

Dacres, Anne. See Arundel, Anne Dacres, countess of
Daniel, Samuel: The Complaint of Rosamond, 42, 78, 84
Daniell, David, 288n21
Dante, 103, 235
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, 17
Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord, 193
Darrell, John, 116
DeBuck, J.-M, S. J., 266n22
De Groot, John Henry, 260n5, 265n11
Dekker, Thomas, 266n17, 278n30
Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, fifth earl of, 18, 37, 131, 141, 284n55
Derby, William Stanley, sixth earl of, 271n47
Dethick, William, 264n6
Devlin, Christopher, S. J., 37-39, 45, 262n2, 262nn4-5, 265nn9-10, 265nn12-14, 266n21, 275nn6-7, 275n9, 275n11, 279n39, 282n32, 286n74, 292n62, 295n85, 296n91, 308n38
Dibdale, Richard, 35
Diet of Worms, 149, 176, 178, 185, 294-95n81
dissimulation, 18, 54, 115
Dives, 29, 32
Dollimore, Jonathan, 298n115
Donaldson, Ian, 94-95, 279n44, 279n46, 279nn48-49, 280nn53-55, 280n64, 280n67
Donne, John: Biathanatos, 93, 295n81; Elegies, 52; The Lamentations of Jeremy, 194; Pseudo-Martyr, 93; Verse Letters, 208
Dormer, Elizabeth (née Browne), 74
Dormer, Sir William, 74
Dorsch, T. S., 281n3
Douai, 41-42, 90
Douce, Francis, 273n59
Down, Angela, 222
Dubrow, Heather, 279n44
Duncan-Jones, Katherine, 15, 264-65n6, 272n57, 299n2, 299n5
Dutton, Richard, 260n5
Dyer, Edward, 42

Eccles, Mark, 263-64n6, 265n16, 309n44
Eckermann, Johann Peter, 286n1
Edwards, Philip, 151, 287n6, 288n18, 288n20
Eliot, T. S., 45, 146-48, 266n23, 286n3
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 39, 41, 44-45, 55, 57-60, 72, 92, 111, 115, 132-33, 164, 192-94, 197, 202-3, 227-28, 245, 271n49, 272nn51-52, 272-73nn56-58, 274n70, 280n60, 281n69, 283n34, 283n37, 286nn76-77, 290n47, 295n87. See also Shakespeare, William: and Queen Elizabeth and Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, third earl of: and Queen Elizabeth
Ellison, James, 278n31, 305n11
Elton, G. R., 281n6, 283n32
Elze, Karl, 52
Empson, William, 309n42
English College, Rome, 41, 172
equivocation. See casuistry and dissimulation
Essex, Robert Devereux, second earl of, 17, 20, 37, 57, 89, 144, 151, 194, 196-97, 201, 203, 212, 254, 264n6, 272n58, 277n23. See also Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, third earl of: and the Essex Rebellion
Estella, Fray Diego, 266n22
Evans, G. Blakemore, 299n2, 299n4
exorcism, 22, 25, 110, 113-14, 116-18, 282n21, 282n23, 282n25

farce, 124-26, 129, 143
Findlay, Alison, 260n5
Finnis, John, 295n87
Fitton, Mary, 299n3                              
Foakes, R. A., 281n1, 282n29
forgiveness, 220-23, 225, 237, 239, 241, 249-52, 255. See also Sermon on the Mount
Foxe, John: 116; Book of Martyrs, 135
Fraser, Antonia, 298nn109-110, 304n7
Fraser, Russell, 298n111
Freedman, Barbara, 126, 128-29, 283n44, 283n46, 283n49, 284nn52-53
Freeman, Arthur, 291n51
French, George Russell, 263-64n6, 290n44
Frias, Juan Fernández de Velasco, duke of, 228
Frye, Roland Mushat, 153-54, 287n13, 289nn30-31, 297n95, 297n100, 298nn107-8, 298n110, 305nn16-17
Furness, H. H., 262n19, 271n47, 272n57, 273n59, 289n37, 290n39, 290nn43-44, 296n91, 297nn97-98, 298n107

Gage, Edward of Bentley, 89-90, 264n6, 265n9, 277nn25-26
Gage, Edward of Wormesley, 277n26
Gage, Sir Edward, 264n6
Gage, James, 265n9
Gage, John, 39
Gage, Mary, 265n9
Gage family, 39-41, 90, 132, 264n6, 274n2, 277n26
Gardner, Helen, 298n113
Garnet, Henry, S. J., 41, 92, 99, 180, 227, 259, 266n29, 295n85
Gascoigne, George: 46, 124; A Hundred Sundry Flowers, 74; Supposes, 281n7
Geckle, George, 305n14, 308n26, 309n44
genealogy of  Shakespeare, Southwell, and Southampton families, 40
Gennings, Edward, 118
Gerard, John, S. J., 43
Gesta Grayorum, 281nn1-2
Gifford, Gilbert, 193
Giraldi, Giovanni Battista (Cinthio), 310n60
Gless, Darryl, 232, 305n15, 305n17, 308n27
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: 168, 286n1; Faust, 145-48, 286n1; The Sorrows of Young Werther, 146; Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, 145-47, 286n2;

Golding, Arthur, 69-70, 274n68, 274n3, 286n71
Gonzaga, Aloysius (Luigi), S. J., 172, 293nn69-70
Gonzaga, Luigi, 171
Gonzaga family, 172
Gower, John: Confessio Amantis, 111, 113, 119, 120, 122, 124, 281n7
Gray, J. C., 286n69
Greenblatt, Stephen J., 15, 260n4, 262n24, 282n23, 286-87n4, 287n13, 294-95n81, 297n95
Greene, Robert, 17, 288n14
Greg, W. W., 281n2
Gregory, Brad S., 274n70                                                          
Grey, Lord. See Wilton, Thomas Grey, fifteenth baron of
Grosart, Alexander, 37, 60, 262n2, 266n22, 274n73, 275n7, 276n14
Gunpowder Plot, 41, 43, 142, 180, 197, 228, 259, 264n6, 295n85, 298n111
Gurr, Andrew, 131, 285n57, 305n10

Hall, Susannah (née Shakespeare), 264n6
Hallett, P. E., 266n22
Hamer, Douglas, 261n8
Hamilton, Donna B., 126-27, 282n24, 283n48
Hammerschmidt-Hummel, Hildegard, 260n5
Harding, Davis P., 309n54
Harsnett, Samuel: A Declaration of Egregious Popish Impostures, 22-28, 31, 35-36, 110, 116, 258, 261n11, 262n25, 282n21; A Discovery of the Fraudulent Practises of One John Darrell, 116
Hartley, William, 109-11, 114-15
Harvey, Gabriel, 281n3
Hathaway, Anne, 208, 255
Hathaway family, 35
Hawkins, Harriet, 238, 308n31
Hayne, Victoria, 252, 308n34, 310n58
Heinemann, Margot, 278n30
Heneage, Sir Thomas, 21, 54, 56-57, 109
Henry III, King of France, 121
Henry IV, King of France and Navarre, 121
Henry VIII, King of England, 163, 192
Herodian, 286n69
Heywood, Thomas: 266n17, 278n30; The Rape of Lucrece, 95, 279n50
Hibbard, G. R., 290n42
Hieatt, A. Kent, 300n5
Hieatt, Charles W., 300n5
Hobbes, Thomas, 191
Hoff, Linda Kay, 288n15, 297n100
Holinshed, Raphael: Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 22, 31, 51
Holland, Peter, 260n5, 271n48
Holmes, Peter, 270n41, 279n43, 280n57, 280n69, 282n16, 282n22, 308n37
Holy Innocents, The, 48, 55, 130
Honan, Park, 15
Honigmann, E. A. J., 17-18, 38-39, 239, 261n8, 308n32
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, S. J., 266n22
Horace: Odes, 30-31
Hotson, Leslie, 298n111
Houghton, Alexander, 19, 39
Howard, Henry. See Northampton, Henry Howard, first earl of   
Howard, Philip. See Arundel, Philip Howard, first earl of
Howard, Thomas. See Suffolk, Thomas Howard, first earl of
Hunsdon, Henry Carey, first Lord
Hunt, Maurice, 260n5, 302n23
Hunt, Simon, 35
Hunter, G. K., 285n64, 286n69, 300n7, 305n12, 307n24
Hunter, Joseph, 290n43
Hunter, Robert Gans, 302n25

Ibsen, Henrik, 148

Jackson, MacD. P., 284n55, 285n64, 299-300n5
James I, King of England: 19-20, 75, 90, 201-4, 211, 226-29, 230, 255, 281n69, 304n8; Basilikon Doron, 226; and religious toleration, 227-28, 255, 259, 305n11. See also Shakespeare, William: and King James and Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, third earl of: and King James
Janelle, Pierre, 266n25, 266n29
Jardine, David, 298n116, 298n118, 310nn62-63
Jenkins, Harold, 287n4, 288n18, 289n37, 290n41, 291n51, 292nn54-55, 292nn57-58, 295nn87-88, 296n91, 296n93, 297n96
Jerningham, Anne, 262n4
Jessopp, Augustus, 280n60
Jesuits, 19-20, 37, 41, 43, 60, 118, 172, 193, 244, 266n29
Joan of Arc, 18
Johnson, Samuel, 221-22, 287n9, 308n38
Jonsen, Albert R., 308n36, 308n39
Jorgensen, Paul A., 283n38, 283n40

Kahn, Coppélia, 279n44, 280n64
Kernan, Alvin, 298n107
Kerrigan, John, 298n2
Kinney, Arthur, 128, 283n50
Klause, John, 261n10, 262nn20-21, 270n35, 274n71, 285n56, 286n68, 286n81, 298n113, 302n27
Kliger, Samuel, 135, 285n66
Knapp, Jeffrey, 261n9
Knight, G. Wilson, 229, 305n13, 305n15
Kolin, Philip, 270n37
Kozuka, Takashi, 260n6, 261n7, 266n28
Kuhl, E. P., 279n44
Kyd, Thomas, The Spanish Tragedy, 149

Lake, Peter, 305n15
Lascelles, Mary, 310n60
Lavater, Lewes, 297n104
Lazarus, 29-30
Lee, Maurice, Jr., 304n7
Leech, Clifford, 229, 305n13, 309nn45-46
Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of, 37, 53, 278n29
Leites, Edmund, 309n39
Le Loyer, Pierre, 154, 297n104
Lennox, Charlotte, 221
Lever, J. W., 306nn21-22, 310n61
Levin, Harry, 150, 287n11
Levin, Richard, 279n45, 279n50, 304n3
“Limbo,” 283n37
Lister, Michael, 262n4
Lister, Richard, 262n4
Liturgy of the Dead, 183, 290n41
Livingstone, E. A., 286n76
Livy, 88, 95, 97, 279n52
Lockyer, Roger, 304n7, 304n9
Lodge, Thomas: Scillaes Metamorphosis, 52
Loomie, Albert J., S. J., 304n6, 304n9, 305n18
Lord Admiral’s Men, 56
Lord Chamberlain’s Men, 56, 264n6
Loyola, Ignatius of: Spiritual Exercises, 305n19
Luther, Martin, 176, 178, 184-87, 192, 294-95n81, 295n83
Lyly, John, 124; Euphues, 159
Lyons, Bridget Gellert, 295n90

MacCary, W. Thomas, 283n51, 284n53
MacDonald, Michael, 297n100
Mack, Maynard, 148, 287n5
“Maister W. S.,” 37-38, 42-43, 51, 257. 265n17, 266n28
Manners, Francis, 43
Manning, Roger B., 265n7, 265n13, 274n70
manuscript circulation, 38, 42-47, 51-52, 65-66, 77-78, 139, 256, 288n24, 296n91
Marcus, Leah, 305n11
Marlowe, Christopher, 164, 290n48; Dido: Queen of Carthage, 284n55; Edward II, 27; Hero and Leander, 52; The Jew of Malta, 137
Marshall, Peter, 298n106
Marston, John: The Malcontent, 302n25
Martin, Gregory, 281n70
Martin, Patrick H., 262n4, 277n25, 295n87                                             
Martin, Randall, 298n111
Martindale, C. C., S. J., 293nn69-70
martyrdom, 45, 54-55, 60, 71-73, 86, 88, 91-93, 95-96, 100-1, 103-8, 110, 115, 130-31, 133, 135-42, 151, 162, 168-70, 191, 219, 225, 229, 236, 274nn69-70
Martz, Louis, 266n186-87
Marvell, Andrew: “The Definition of Love,” 55
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, 163, 192-93, 266n29
Mary Tudor, Queen of England, 121, 140, 272n49
Maus, Katherine Eisaman, 310n59
Maxwell, J. C., 284n55, 285n58
Mayer, Jean-Christophe, 260n5
Mayowe (Mayo), John, 263n6
McDonald, James H., C. S. C., 261n18, 266n29, 296n91, 310n2
McGee, Arthur, 288n14, 297nn99-100
McGrath, Patrick, 304n7, 304n9                                                   
McKerrow, Ronald B., 275n5
McManaway, James G., 265n11
Melanchthon, Philipp, 178
mental reservation. See casuistry and dissimulation
Meres, Francis, 208, 284n55
Merriam, Thomas, 291n49
Metz, G. Harold, 285n59
Meyer, Arnold Oskar, 286n76
Michelangelo, 149
Middleton, Thomas: The Blacke Booke: A Satire, 291n52
Midsummer’s Day, 271n49
Miles, Rosalind, 309n43
Milward, Peter, S. J., 38, 60, 260n5, 262n3, 275n7, 282n19
Mincoff, Marco, 284n55, 285n64
Miracle Book, 25
Miriam Joseph, Sister, C. S. C., 287n13, 297n102
Mirror for Magistrates, A, 42
Montagu, Anthony Browne, first viscount, 39, 41, 54, 106, 270n40, 278n29, 280n69
Montagu, Anthony Maria Browne, second viscount, 228, 280n69
Montagu family, 74, 274n75, 280n69
Montaigne, Michel de: 19, 150, 266n23; Essays, 294n80, 295n88
Montferatt, Gugielmo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua and Marquis (later Duke) of, 293n70
More, Henry, S. J., 290n46
More, Thomas, 140, 274n69, 286n78
Morey, Adrian, 274n70, 279nn41-42
Moshinsky, Elijah, 222
Muir, Kenneth, 22-23, 32, 68, 261n11, 261n17, 273n64, 274n3, 306n20, 308n28
Mulryne, J. R., 260n6, 261n7, 266n28
Munday, Anthony, 278n30
Murphy, John L., 262n24, 282n23
Murphy, Patrick M., 270n37
Mutschmann, Heinrich, 260n5

Naaman the Syrian, 278n31
names in Shakespeare and Southwell, 120-21, 136-37, 164-65, 219, 231, 286n69
Nashe, Thomas: 51-52, 70, 270n32, 275n5; Christ’s Tears over Jerusalem, 295n87; Dido: Queen of Carthage, 284n55; Four Letters Confuted, 281n3; The Terrors of the Night, 288n14; The Unfortunate Traveler, 52, 77
Nero, 27-28, 149
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 261n14
Nicholl, Charles, 290n48
Nicodemism, 98-99
Noble, Richmond, 297n100
North, Sir Thomas, 22
Northampton, Henry Howard, first earl of, 19, 278n31
Nowell, Alexander: Catechism, 186
Nutall, A. D., 308n33

Ovid: 52-53, 95; Metamorphoses, 69, 73, 140, 286n71
Oxford, Edward de Vere, seventeenth earl of, 270n37

Paget, Charles, 193
Painter, William, 88, 279n52
Parker, Matthew: Psalms of David, 262n21
Parker, Patricia A., 126, 128, 274n69, 283n41, 283n47, 283n49
Parmiter, Geoffrey de C., 282n24
Pascal, Blaise: 244, Lettres Provinciales, 245
Patterson, W. B., 304n7
Peele, George, 284-85n55, 286n69, 290-91n49
Pembroke, Henry Herbert, second earl of, 37, 284n55
Pembroke, Mary Herbert (née Sidney), countess of, 299n5
Pembroke, William Herbert, third earl of, 299n3, 299n5
Perkins, William, 251
Perpoint, Gervais, 265n9
Persius, Satires, 295n88
Persons, Robert, S. J., 227
Petrarch, 42, 46
Petronella, Vincent, 283n50
Philip III, King of Spain, 228
philosophy, limitations of, 152, 213
Phinch, Richard: The Knowledge or Appearance of the Church, 116
Pilarz, Scott, S. J., 273n58
Pius V, Pope, 140
Platt, Michael, 279n44
Platter, Thomas, 288n21
Plautus: 149; Menaechmi, 111-112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 124-25, 282n31, 283n36
Plowden, Alison, 298n109
Plumptre, James, 298n107
Plutarch: Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, 22, 31, 51, 69, 137
Poley, Robert, 164, 193
Pollen, John Hungerford, S. J., 281n8
Pope, Elizabeth Marie, 308n28, 310n57
Prescott, Anne Lake, 300n5
Prest, Wilfrid R., 282n24
Price, Joseph G., 287n5, 300n12, 302n22
Prosser, Eleanor, 154, 193, 287n13, 289nn32-33, 297n104, 297n106, 298n112
purgatory, 147, 149-50, 154, 161, 186-88, 191-92, 197, 199, 287n13, 288n14, 297n106, 306n19

Questier, Michael C., 264n6, 265n9, 270n39, 274n70, 277n26, 280n69
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, 302n1
Quiney, Judith (née Shakespeare), 17

Ralegh, Sir Walter, 58, 134, 197
Read, Conyers, 290nn45-46                                                 
recusancy, 53-54, 59, 89, 91, 278nn28-29
recusants, 39, 89-91, 99, 115, 228, 280n60, 287n13
religious conflict, European, 112, 121, 140-41
Rheims New Testament, 301n19
Richmond, Velma Bourgeois, 260n5
Ricks, Christopher, 266n23
Rist, Thomas, 260n5
Rizzio, David, 193
Roe, John, 280nn62-63
Rollins, Hyder, 270nn33-34, 275n8, 276n14
Roman College, 41
Romano, Giulio, 293n70
Rookwood, Edward, 280n60
Rose, Elliot, 279n43
Rowse, A. L., 277n28, 279n34, 281n2
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, 203

Sacks, Claire, 286nn2-4, 287n8
Sackville, Lady Margaret, 43, 159
Sadler, Hamnet, 115
Sadler, Judith, 115
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, first earl of, 44, 143, 162, 228, 277n23, 286n80, 291n52
Sander, Nicholas, 99, 281n70
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 90, 278n31
Sankey, William, S. J., 230
Sarrazin, Gregor, 300n5                      
Savage, John, 290n47
Scaramelli, Giovanni Carlo, 214, 278n31
Schanzer, Ernest, 309nn51-52, 310n56
Schoenbaum, Samuel, 15, 260n2, 281n15
Schrickx, Willem, 266n19
Schuster, Louis A., 286n78
Scot, Reginald: The Discoverie of Witchcrafte, 60, 69
Scott-Giles, C. W., 264n6
Sehrt, Ernst Theodor
Semper, I. J., 287n13
Seneca: 69, 149; De clementia, 262n19; Epistle 107, p. 164; Phaedra, 164; Thyestes, 140
Sermon on the Mount, 142, 237, 250, 258, 308n28. See also forgiveness
Shaaber, M. A., 265n15
Shaheen, Naseeb, 262n19, 301n19
Shakeshafte, William, 18, 261n8
Shakespeare, Hamnet, 17
Shakespeare, John, 39, 42, 257, 261n8, 263-64n6, 265n11, 265n17. See also Borromeo, Carlo, Cardinal: Testament of the Soul
Shakespeare, Judith. See Quiney, Judith (née Shakespeare)
Shakespeare, Susannah. See Hall, Susannah (née Shakespeare)
Shakespeare, William: his anonymity, 19; and Catholicism, 16-20, 38-39, 59-60, 75, 106, 112, 121, 127-28, 135, 140, 150-52, 184-197, 214, 230, 239, 254-55, 257-59, 287n13, 294-95n81, 297n100, 305n11, 305n15; and Queen Elizabeth, 59, 133-34. 202, 272-73n58, 295n87 (see also Elizabeth I, Queen of England); as Erasmian, 18, 261n9, 306n20; and heraldry, 263-64n6, 265n17; and King James, 19, 201-2, 226-27, 229, 259, 305n11 (see also James I, King of England); and Lancashire, 17-19, 39;  as “politique,” 16, 19; and Protestantism, 17, 38, 59-60, 115, 121, 126, 128, 135, 140, 150, 184-87, 214, 227, 229, 239, 257-58, 287n13, 294-95n81, 297n95, 297n100, 305n11, 305n15; and Puritanism, 186, 220, 230, 242, 255, 305n11, 308n34; and religious conformity, 115; and religious reconciliation, 128-30, 135, 255, 258; and skepticism, 18, 168, 195-96, 257-58, 298n115; and Southampton, 19-21, 37-41, 52-57, 74-75, 77, 104, 106, 108-9, 118, 130, 139, 144, 151- 52, 187, 198, 201-4, 208, 211-14, 219, 223-26, 229, 237, 254-59, 264n6, 274n72, 299n3, 299-300n5; and Southwell, 19-21, 28-35, 37-43, 45-52, 55-56, 60-74, 77-88, 95, 107-9, 118-24, 128, 130, 132-39, 143-44, 152-84, 196, 199, 214-19, 223-25, 230-36, 256-59, 263n6, 267-69n30, 271n49, 273nn61-62, 273-74n65, 275-76n13, 276-77n14, 277n17, 279n51, 280n68, 283n37, 284n55, 285n65, 286n69, 286n72, 286n79, 288nn22-28, 289nn34-35, 289nn38-39, 290n40, 290n47, 291-92n53, 292nn59-61, 292-93nn63-66, 293-94n73-77, 294n79, 294n81, 295n82, 295nn84-85, 295nn88-89, 295-96n91, 296-97n94, 298n114, 306-7n24; and the state-church, 115, 127, 257; and the supernatural, 199, 259
All’s Well That Ends Well, 21, 202-26, 246, 251, 253, 291n51, 300nn6-8, 300nn13-14, 301-2nn18-25, 309n47; Antony and Cleopatra, 272n52; As You Like It, 204-5, 246; The Comedy of Errors, 20, 109-30, 143, 214, 259, 281n7, 283n34, 283n49-51, 292n60; Coriolanus, 300n5; Hamlet, 21, 42, 64, 142, 145-200, 202, 204, 212-13, 223, 229, 259, 286-87nn2-8, 287-88nn10-15, 288n18, 288n20, 289nn29-34, 289n37, 289-90nn39-44, 291n51, 291-92nn53-61, 293n68, 293n72, 294n79, 295n82, 295nn87-88, 296n91, 296-97nn93-96, 297nn95-96, 297nn99-103, 297n105, 298n115, 299n4, 300n14; 1 Henry IV, 29, 31-32, 205; 2 Henry IV, 29, 42; Henry V, 21, 29, 151, 186, 205, 212-13, 272n58; 1 Henry VI,18, 27, 135, 258;  2 Henry VI, 18, 27, 258; 3 Henry VI,18, 27, 258; Henry VIII, 272n58; Julius Caesar, 30, 34-35, 150-52, 191, 198, 205, 223; King John, 18, 204-5, 261n10, 271n49, 273n58, 286n81, 288n21, 291n49, 298n114; King Lear, 22-28, 30-31, 35, 110, 118, 143, 195, 198, 246, 258, 261n11, 261n15, 261n17, 262n24, 282n23; Love’s Labor’s Lost, 73, 204, 274n72; Macbeth, 259, 295n85; Measure for Measure, 15, 20-21, 34, 106, 121, 214, 222-23, 226-255, 258, 259, 300n6, 302n25, 302-4(chapter 6)nn2-3, 305nn11-17, 306nn21-22, 306-7nn24-25, 308nn27-28, 308n31, 309n47, 309n55, 310nn59-60; The Merchant of Venice, 30, 32-34, 205, 214, 262n21, 286n81; The Merry Wives of Windsor, 272n57; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 21, 28, 56-77, 109, 119, 204-5, 255, 271nn47-49, 272nn51-53, 273n62, 273-74n65, 274n67, 292n60; Much Ado about Nothing, 42, 205, 246; Othello, 29, 274n69, 306n19; Pericles, 43, 122, 266n19, 299n5; Richard II, 42, 151, 197, 264n6, 288n19; Richard III, 42; Romeo and Juliet, 30, 70, 73-74, 77, 204, 274n76, 300n7; The Taming of the Shrew, 30, 204; The Tempest, 30, 246, 251, 257; Titus Andronicus, 20, 29, 121, 131-43, 150, 164, 190-91, 193, 198, 261n10, 273n58, 284n55, 285nn58-59, 285-86nn63-67, 286n69, 286n71, 291n49; Troilus and Cressida, 151, 198, 204, 288n19, 294n76; Twelfth Night, 116, 204; The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 266n26; The Winter’sTale, 30, 293n70
Lucrece, 20, 30, 38, 42, 46, 56, 63, 75-109, 112, 131, 150, 201, 223-24, 226-27, 230, 236, 254, 275-76nn13-14, 277n17, 279nn44-45, 279n51, 280n68, 292n65, 299n5, 303-4n2; The Phoenix and Turtle, 261n10, 285n56; Sonnets, pp. 19, 201, 206, 208, 257; 1-17, pp. 299-300n513, 5, p. 47, 6, p. 206, 13, p. 206, 23, p. 266n27, 24, p. 207, 27, p.207, 31, pp. 206-7, 36, p. 206, 40, p. 206, 42, pp. 207, 224, 54, p. 47, 64, p.207, 65, p.262n23, 105, p. 206, 107, pp. 201-2, 208, 219, 223, 227, 266n27, 270n34, 299nn3-5, 111, p. 244, 115, pp. 201, 207, 124, pp. 52, 136, 261n10, 129, pp. 207, 257-58, 135, p. 207, 145, 208; Venus and Adonis, 20, 30, 38, 45-56, 60, 66, 88, 109, 131, 201, 206, 208-11, 213, 223-24, 226, 257, 266n24, 266n28, 267-69n30, 270n37, 271nn45-46
Sidney, Sir Philip: 162; Arcadia, 31; The Defence of Poesy, 201
Shell, Alison, 261n6, 266n28
Shelley, John, 39, 89, 132, 285n61
Shelley, Margaret, 264n6, 265n9
Shelley, Richard, 132-33, 285n61
Shelley family, 41
Shuger, Deborah Kuller, 304n4
Simmes, Valentine, 42
Simpcox, Sander, 18
Simpson, Richard, 260n5, 265n11, 305n11
Sinfield, Alan, 298n115
Sixtus V, Pope, 172
Slater, Eliot, 300n5
Smart, J. S., 263-64n6
Smith, Hallett, 275n8
Snyder, Susan, 222, 300n13, 302n21, 302n24
Society of Jesus. See Jesuits
Sohmer, Steve, 295n83
Somerset, Anne, 298n111
Sommerville, Johann P., 308-9nn39-40
Sommerville Plot, 36, 194, 298n111
Soto, Dominic, O. P., 245
source study, principles of, 21-36, 67-68
Southampton, Elizabeth Wriothesley (née Vernon), countess of, 57-58, 203, 211, 255
Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, second earl of, 37, 39, 54, 59, 89, 104, 282n25
Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, third earl of: and Burghley, 39, 45, 53-54, 277n23; and Catholic books, 90, 278n32; as “Catholic hope,” 53-54; and the Essex Rebellion, 20, 43, 89, 151, 194, 196-97, 201, 212, 254, 264n6 (see also Essex, Robert Devereux, second earl of); and Gray’s Inn, 109, 118, 130; and Queen Elizabeth, 59, 197, 202-3 (see also Elizabeth I, Queen of England); and King James, 21, 90, 201-4, 211, 214, 225, 227, 254, 304n8 (see also James I, King of England); his majority, 56; and martyrdom, 54-55, 104, 106, 225-26, 236; plays, his love of, 39, 152, 288n21;  a protector of Catholics, 89-90, 259; Protestantism, conversion to, 89-91, 214, 227, 257, 277n23, 278n31, 304n6; Protestant foreign policy, advocate of, 90, 278n30; his early recusancy, 53, 277n23; his religious conformity, 54, 90, 214, 225, 227; his religious dilemma, 53-55, 95, 131, 227; his religious evasiveness, 89-91, 277n18; and religious toleration, 89, 227, 254, 278n31; and Shakespeare, 19-21, 37-41, 52-57, 75, 77, 104, 106, 108-9, 118, 130, 139, 144, 151-52, 187, 198, 201-4, 208, 211-14, 219, 223-26, 229, 237, 254-59, 264n6, 274n72, 299n3, 299-300n5; and Southwell, 19-21, 38-41, 45-52, 55-56, 71-74, 88, 90-91, 108-9, 118, 139, 144, 152, 196, 214, 224-25, 254, 256-59, 269-70n31; and Elizabeth Vere, 53-54
Southampton, Mary Wriothesley (née Browne), countess of, 21, 53-54, 56-57, 75, 90, 109, 203, 278n29, 299n5
Southampton family, 51, 53, 71-74, 89, 108, 132, 197, 265n9, 269n31, 277n23, 278n31
Southampton House, 39, 90-91, 139, 265n9, 270n31, 274n72, 282n25
Southwell, Elizabeth, 262n4
Southwell, Richard (Robert’s brother), 262n4
Southwell, Richard (Robert’s father), 41, 43-44, 93, 174-75
Southwell, Robert, S. J.: and Cotton, John, 90; alias “Mr. Cotton,” 91; and Queen Elizabeth, 92, 132-34, 164, 273n58; letter to Robert Cecil, 44, 143, 266n22, 286n80; letter to Robert Persons, 281n8; life and career of, 41-44; as poet, 41-42; as “merchant,” 111-12; and the “politics of refusal,” 55, 99; and the “reform” of poetry, 39; and Shakespeare, 19-21, 28-35, 37-43, 45-52, 55-56, 60-74, 77-88, 95, 107-9, 118-24, 130, 132-39, 143-44, 152-84, 196, 199, 214-19, 223-25, 230-36, 256-59, 263n6, 267-69n30, 271n49, 273nn61-62, 273-74n65, 275-76n13, 276-77n14, 277n17, 279n51, 280n68, 283n37, 284n55, 285n65, 286n69, 286n72, 286n79, 288nn22-28, 289nn34-35, 289nn38-39, 290n40, 290n47, 291-92n53, 292nn59-61, 292-93nn63-66, 293-94n73-77, 294n79, 294n81, 295n82, 295nn84-85, 295nn88-89, 295-96n91, 296-97n94, 298n114, 306-7n24; and Southampton, 19-21, 37-41, 45-52, 55-56, 71-74, 88, 90-91, 108-9, 118, 139, 144, 152, 196, 214, 224-25, 254, 256-59, 269-70n31; attitude toward “stage players,” 42
“The burning Babe,” 153, 288n24; “Christs Childhoode,” 63, 72; Christs returne out of Egypt,” 182, 295n89; “Christ upon the Crosse to man,” 50, 65; “The Complaint of the B. Virgin,” 65, 86, 296n94, 301n20; “Content and Rich,” 50, 291n53; “Davids Peccavi,” 86, 288n24; “Decease release,” 49, 266n29; “The Ephinaie,” 292n63; “Epitaph on Lady Margaret Sackville,” 288n26; “The flight into Egypt,” 48, 130; “Fortunes Falsehood,” 174, 288n23, 288n27; “A holy Hymme,” 288n28, 307n24; “I die alive,” 168; “I dye without deserte,” 48; “Josephs Amazement,” 86, 168-69, 283n35, 288n24, 288n28; “Lewd Love is Losse,” 47, 55, 152, 288n23; “Life is but losse,” 87, 168; “Lifes death loves life,” 168; “Losse in delaies,” 307n24; “Loves Garden grief,” 88; “Loves servile lot,” 50; “Mans civill warre,” 288n27; “Marie Magdalens complaint,” 49; “The Nativitie of Christ,” 292n63; “Of the Blessed Sacrament of the Aulter” (“The Christians Manna”),  43; “New heaven, new warre,” 288n24; “New prince, new pompe,” 288n24; “A Phansie turnred into a sinner’s complaint,” 139, 176, 288n24, 307n24; “The prodigal childes soule wracke,” p. 160; Saint Peters Complaint, 38, 42, 46, 51, 60-65, 70, 77-87, 92-93, 95, 139, 153-55, 165, 168-70, 172-73, 235-36, 266n29, 275n4, 291n53, 292n64, 292n66, 293n73, 295n85, 296n94, 306n24; “Scorne not the least,” 28-32, 50; “Seeke flowers of heaven,” 63, 65, 70; “Sinnes heavie loade,” 49, 63, 142, 288n24, 292n53; “A vale of teares,” 49, 160, 275n4, 288n26, 289n34, 291n53; “S. Peters complaint” (Folger MS version), 51, 65; “Time goes by turnes,” 302n20; “Upon the Image of Death,” 296n91;“The Virgine Maries conception,” 49; [“The Virgine Maries] Nativity,” 295n85; “The virgin Mary to Christ on the Crosse,” 86; “The Virgins salutation,” 288n27; “What joy to live?” 168, 289n38
“The Author to his loving Cosen,” 37, 46, 60, 62, 73; An Epistle of Comfort, 32-35, 41, 47, 51, 63, 68-72, 77, 86-88, 93, 95-96, 99-102, 104, 117-24, 136-39, 141-43, 154, 158-60, 165, 169-71, 173-74, 177-81, 183-84, 199, 214, 216-19, 225, 230-35, 254, 256, 262n19, 262n21, 267n30, 269-70n31, 270n44, 271n49, 273n62, 273-74n65, 275n4, 277n17, 279n51, 280n68, 283n37, 286n72, 288nn25-28, 289-90nn39-40, 291-92n53, 292nn59-61, 292n66, 293n73, 294n79, 294n81, 296n94, 298n114, 301nn17-18, 301n20, 309n41; An Epistle unto His Father, 43, 88, 93, 95, 121-22, 139, 157-58, 160-62, 174-75, 177, 179, 183-84, 186, 215, 217, 276n14, 288nn27-28, 293-94n74, 294n77, 295n84, 296-97n94; An Humble Supplication to Her Majestie, 44, 95, 121, 133-36, 139, 142, 153-54, 157-58, 163-64, 169-70, 192, 271n49, 277n14, 280n65, 285n60,  285n65, 286n73, 288n26, 290n47, 292n53, 294n75, 296n94, 298n109, 301-2n20; Marie Magdalens Funeral Teares, 43-44, 51, 66-68, 77, 86-87, 124, 139, 154-55, 158, 161, 163, 165, 171, 175, 178, 180, 215-16, 235-36, 267-69n30, 275-76nn13-14, 286n78, 288nn26-27, 293n66, 295n82, 301n16, 302n20, 306n24; Short Rules of a Good Life, 43, 159-60, 160, 165; Spiritual Exercises and Devotions, 266n22; The Triumphs over Death, 42-44, 155-60, 170, 265n15, 288n27, 292n59, 293n73;
Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene, 272n57; Mother Hubberds Tale, 291n52
Spiller, Robert, 227
sponsalia (spousals), 248-249, 309nn52-54, 310n56
Steevens, George, 287n9, 289n39
Steinberg, Leo, 308n25
Sterrell, William, 295n87
Stevenson, David L., 304n3
Stevenson, Robert M., 310n4
St. Omer, 37, 43
Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael, 263-64n6, 265n16, 270n38, 270n40, 278n29, 278n32, 279nn34-37, 281n2, 288n17
Strange, Lord. See Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, fifth earl of
Stroud, Theodore, 262n1, 277n21                                        
Strype, John: Annals of the Reformation, 265n9
Stubbes, Phillip, 308n34
Suetonius, 28
Suffolk, Thomas Howard, first earl of, 19
Sussex, Henry Radcliffe, fourth earl of, 37, 284n55
Sutherland, Raymond Carter, 264n6, 265n17
Swift, Jonathan, 22
Sweeney, Anne, 273n58
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 237, 243, 308n26
Swinburne, Henry, 248, 309nn51-52
Sypher, Wylie, 244-45, 249, 308n35

Taillepied, Noel, 297n104
Tansillo, Luigi, 42
Tassis, Don Juan de, 227
Tasso, Torquato, 42
Taylor, Dennis, 260n5, 265n11
Taylor, Gary, 260n5, 288n18, 300n6
Taylor, George Coffin, 266n23
Theobald, Lewis, 22
Thomas, Keith, 282n17
Thompson, J. A. K., 291n50
Thomson, Peter, 305n11
Throckmorton, Mary, 264n6
Throckmorton, Sir George, 263n6, 296n91
Throckmorton, Sir Robert, 263n6, 265n16
Throckmorton family, 41
Thurston, Herbert, S. J., 257
Tillyard, E. M. W., 237, 308n27
Timberlake, Philip, 291n49
Tobin, J. J. M., 68, 270n32, 273n64, 274n66, 281n3, 288n14
Toliver, Harold, 308n35
Topcliffe, Richard, 44, 118
topical criticism, 21, 45
Toulmin, Stephen, 308n36, 308n39
treason and religion, 101-2
Trent, Council of, 92
Tresham, Francis, 197, 264n6
Tresham family, 298n111
Trotman, John William, 265n15
Troublesome Raigne of King John, The, 239
Trussell, John: 51, 265n15; The First Rape of Faire Hellen, 42
Trussell, Thomas, 42, 265n16
Trussell family, 42
Tyndale, William, 140

Ungerer, Gustav, 278n32
Ure, Peter, 288n19
Ur-Hamlet, The, 179, 288n14, 290n47, 293n68

Vaux, Anne, 296n91
Vaux, Catherine, 296n91
Vaux, Henry, 296n91
Vaux, Nicholas, Lord, 39, 41
Vaux, Thomas, Lord, 296n91
Vaux, William, Lord, 296n91
Vaux family, 51, 274n70,
Veith, Gene Edward, Jr., 294n75
Vere, Lady Elizabeth, 53-54, 56, 270n37, 271n47
Vernon, Elizabeth. See Southampton, Elizabeth Wriothesley (née Vernon), countess of
Vickers, Brian, 284-85n55, 286n69, 290-91n49, 305n14
Virgil, 118, 140, 235

Waddington, Raymond B., 295n83
Waith, Eugene, 285n63
Walker, D. P., 282n21
Walker, Julia M., 273n58
Walker, William, 115
Walpole, Henry, S. J., 118
Walsham, Alexandra, 278n31, 279n43, 280n57, 281n16
Walsingham, Frances, 162, 290nn45-46
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 132, 162-64, 193
Warburton, Thomas, 149
Wardour, Thomas Arundel, first baron of, 90, 203, 277n23
Wardroper, John, 291n51
Warning for Fair Women, A, 289n31
Warren, Roger, 300n13
Watson, Thomas, 42, 46: Amintae Gaudia, 42
Watts, Cedric, 287n7
Webster, John, 266n17, 278n30
Weelkes, Thomas, 272n52
Wells, Gilbert, 282n25
Wells, Stanley, 260n3, 271n48, 288n18, 300n6, 308n28
Wells, Swithin, 118, 269-70n31, 282n25
Wentersdorf, Karl P., 260n5, 309n50, 309n54                      
West, Robert, 287n13
Weston, William, S. J., 37, 99, 110, 262n1, 266n18, 280n61
Whan, Edgar, 286nn2-4, 287n8
Wheeler, Richard P., 16, 261n7, 300n13, 305n14, 307n25, 310n59
Whetstone, George, Promos and Cassandra, 229, 231, 310n60
White, Richard, 141
Whyte, Rowland, 288n21
Williams, Gary Jay, 271nn47-48
Wilson, Ian, 270n42, 281n15
Wilson, J. Dover., 150, 153, 186, 226, 284n55, 287n12, 289n29, 291n49, 297n95, 297nn100-101, 302n1
Wilson, Richard, 16, 18-19, 45, 53, 55, 260n5, 261n8, 265n6, 266n24, 270n36, 270n43, 271n46, 274n69, 274n75, 298n111
Wilton, Thomas Grey, fifteenth baron of, 197
Winchester, Henry Beaufort, Cardinal of, 18                        
Winstanley, Lilian, 298nn107-8
Winter, John, 264n6
Winter, Robert, 264n6
Winter, Thomas, 264n6
Winter family, 298n111
Wittenberg, University of, 149, 184-85, 187, 192
Wodehouse, Francis, 99-100
Wood, Michael, 260n5
Worcester, Edward Somerset, fourth earl of, 37, 295n87
Worden, Blair, 260-61n6
Wriothesley, Henry. See Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, second earl of
Wriothesley, Henry. See Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, third earl of
Wriothesley, Katherine, 262n4
Wriothesley, Margaret (Mary), 262n4
Wright, Thomas, 37, 89, 262n1, 277n19, 277n21
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, the Younger, 105

Yates, Frances, 274n72, 282n25

Zagorin, Perez, 280n56, 280nn59-60, 281n70
Zitner, Sheldon, 206


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